"Public Encounter" London, 2011

"Public Encounter" is a public sculpture placed on the facade of St. Peter Upon Corn Hill Church, Grace Church Street, EC 3 in the heart of 'The City of London'. The sculpture symbolizes how night laborers and day workers are unified through the act of commuting and represents the merging of the two communities when they leave or enter into the City.

Those laborers and workers are silhouettes made of hand cut Mild Steel and is displayed on a ‘Prism Image’. The metal picture surface consists of prism-shape slats mounted vertically containing either two or three subject, planes in such a way as to form a system of compartments, which can be viewed from two angles. This made it particularly suitable for representing symbolic subject matter, which exposes ‘Unity’.

 I am projecting a vocabulary of human gestures that serves as building’s ornaments and also stands for my philosophy of political representation that visualizes social relations. 
“Public Encounter” is made from Mild Steel. Dimensions: 197 x 120 x 10cm. Each silhouette: 40cm.